Tutorial “How to Unrar, Unzip, or Extract Multiple Part File Rar and Zip”, sorry for this tutorial, because not simple ( maybe make you confused 😀 ) and really, i am very stupid, if for create tutorial :'(
1. Right click and extract to www.minigamespc.net-findinghope |
2. open folder www.minigamespc.net-findinghope |
3. right click and extract to Finding.Hope.Build.A.READ.NFO-TE |
4. open folder Finding.Hope.Build.A.READ.NFO-TE |
5. Now you will get multiple part file, then select all files, right click and extract to tefndhaa |
6. click yes to all |
7. open folder tefndhaa |
6. tefndha.001 etc is split file and create using winrar version 5, so you must install winrar version 5 or higher for extract/join split file extension .001 |
7. open winrar, search file tefndha.001, then click extract to |
8. click OK |
9. open folder tefndha |
10. now you get setup exe, then install the game and enjoy 😀 |
Note : Click Image for Zoom
Thanks “www.minigamespc.net“